
Japan 2024 Olympics Listening & Writing Activity

Use the relative pronoun "____ was the one who" to answer the question "who won?"

Please feel free to edit the article I wrote about the the Paris 2024 Olympics and make it more relevant.
This activity was made for One World 3 Lesson 4: Sports Legends
Target grammar point: the relative pronoun "who"


  1. Please distribute the worksheets to your students. Ask them to make pairs.
  2. Explain that they must listen and write down their question and answers while you read the article 2 times.
  3. Show the ppt while reading the article to give the students a better visual of the athletes. (the article is also written in the notes section of the ppt.)
  4. Give students time to write the sentences and you can put the ppt. on slide show while they work.
  5. Go around with your JTE to help students and check their work.
  6. Have volunteers share their answers while you ask questions like "Who won gold at the women's breakdancing event?" Student: Yuasa Ami was the one who won gold!
  7. Now, have them practice as Person A and Person B. You can demonstrate this with your JTE and say that they take turns asking and answering.

** This was a successful activity for my 3rd year JHS students. They enjoyed raising their hands to answer instead of practicing with their partners.
- so maybe try it with them first and then see if it would work better after you ask the whole class and then have them practice with their partners or small groups.

** This activity can be modified to feature other people like Japanese celebrities \ manga \ anime to suit the preferences of your student and JTE

Small files
  • Japan Brings Home Gold at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.docx (13.3 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • The Olympics.pptx (29.6 MB)
  • sports news.pdf (8.59 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by bbicia October 2, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes

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