
Mario L and R phonics game

Mario themed phonics game to practice the difference between L and R. I made this for my 3rd grade Elementary school class, however this can be used for early JHS level

This game was inspired by user bstokes22's Mario B and V phonics game.

This is a short Mario themed phonics game to practice the difference between L and R. This is game #2, of the Mario phonics game. Game 1 is M and N.

This game has 4 levels. The 1st Level has 4 rounds to practice the L and R letter sounds/names. The other 3 levels have 3-2 round each. To start the game, students will stand in the middle of the room, they will listen carefully to what the ALT will say. The ALT will either say one of the letter name/sound/word in the power point. The ALT can give the students about 10 seconds to walk to either side of the room that they think the answer is on. If needed, the ALT can say the name/sound/word 2-3 times. As the rounds increase, you can also increase the difficulty by covering your mouth or only saying the name/sound/word only 1-2 times. Once you reveal the answer, you can have students repeat the letter name/sound/word.

Game mechanics: There are a few sounds and animations added to the game so students can enjoy the feeling of actually playing a Mario game. To start the main Mario Music, click anywhere on the beginning screen with your mouse. For Mario to move on the map screen, click on any of the blue circles labeled 1-4. To go to the level slide, click on the little green button next to the blue number button. From there, you will be taken to the level slide. For Mario to come out of the pipe, simply click anywhere on your screen and Mario will do an animation to jump out of the pipe. To move on, click on the NEXT button at the bottom of your screen to go to the round slide. During the round, click anywhere on your screen so Mario can run back and forth (I usually do this to encourage the students to run to either side of the classroom too). You then need to say the letter name/sound/word and count down from 10. Once you are ready to reveal the answer, simply click on either mystery box for L and R to reveal the animation (I usually click both as the students enjoy the sounds and animation). To move onto the next slide, simply click the NEXT button. When you are finished with the level, it will take you to an ending slide with a gif of Mario jumping on the flag. To exit this final slide, or any of the other slides, simply click the red X button at the top left of the screen to go back to the level map.

To get familiar with the mechanics, I recommend playing around with the power point yourself before class!

If you'd like to create more rounds per level, simply duplicate the slide and add your own pictures/words. This will be a lot easier than trying to create/add more animations. Unless you're good at that and would like to add onto the game!

If you have any feedback, please let me know! Have fun!

Answer Key:

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Mario L and R Phonics.pptx (4.6 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by RosaSensei October 11, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 min

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