Requires students to have a pencil or a similar writing instrument.
Do or Don't
Students practice the Imperative by completing a worksheet.
Listening Bingo
A fun and challenging listening-based bingo game.
Country Race
Students race to find the spellings of each country and report it to their partner.
England Time
To find out what time it is in the nine countries listed.
I Think That (Q&A)
Students write their opinions on various people/things and then interview other students.
Can Fail Sentence Race
This activity has students making can/can't sentences using funny pictures that really emphasize the ability meaning of the can verb.
Mario Board Game 2.0
Students write their opinions about certain topics and ask their friends their opinions while playing a fun Mario board game. Adaptable to different grammar points.
I Have Played Nintendo For 25 Years
Students write 3 true statements and 1 false statement about their lives using present perfect tense. Other students must guess which is the false statement.
Whose Introduction
Students fill out a worksheet about themselves. The class has to match the worksheet (likes/dislikes/activities) to the student.
Find The Couple
This is a simple activity where students ask each other passive-voiced questions to find out which two students on their worksheets are a couple.
Kantan Interview
Kantan means easy. Students interview two boys, girls and teachers to complete their questionnaire worksheet.
Code Breaker
Students listen to the ALT and use a code to convert numbers to letters. Then they have to compete to guess what word the letters spell.
You Will Get Your Fortune
Students ask ALT and JTE for their fortunes by picking one out of three cards.
My Dream School
Students create their own school virtual school along with their dream rules.
Can You Find A Pair
Students ask each other "Can you..." questions until they find their pair.
5 W's & H
Students practice asking and answering questions using the 5Ws and H question words.
Fairy Tale Mad Libs
Students create hilarious stories by filling in missing verbs, adjectives and nouns based upon the classic stories of Cinderella and Momotaro, the Japanese version of Disney
Connect A-B-C
Review the order of the alphabet with a simple but challenging activity.
Memory Challenge
This activity has two parts: 1.) Students aim to remember a series of sentences, 2.) Students use the grammar and a constructed picture to describe a holiday scene to their class.
Horoscope Review
Students review first year grammar points by playing Janken and finding their horoscopes.
Match the cards with the 'Why' question to the 'Because' answer, followed by a short interview game.
Tic Tac Bingo
Students practice listening to present perfect sentences while playing bingo according to questions the ALT/JTE ask.
What's Wrong? Board Game
Students play a board game to practice telling each other about their ailments and giving each other advice.
Superhero Powers
Students write a description of a superhero and then try to draw their friend’s superhero.
Shadow Guess
A silhouette quiz with the entire class followed by a similar quiz done in pairs.
I Love My City
The students fill out a sheet in the style of Multi Plus 2 of New Horizon 2.
What Is The Best Interview
Students fill in their own answers and then ask their classmates questions such as, "What's the best movie you have ever seen?"
Your Monkey?
In this game, students secretly draw pictures on cards and try to guess the artist of each card. Students learn to understand, ask, and respond to simple questions of ownership/possession.
Animal Coloring
Children color animals according to the ALT's instructions.
Er Est Worksheet
Students practice using 'er' and 'est' in this fun worksheet. There is also a riddle at the end for students to solve.
FUN SHAPES 'Are as fun as it gets'
A point get game for practicing 'She runs faster than me' and 'Cats are as cute as dogs'
Bedroom Drawing
Students listen to their partner’s instructions and attempt to draw a replica of a bedroom.
Relative Park Drawing
Students listen to a description of a park scene and they must draw it.
Fun With Prepositions
Using teamwork, students search for pictures around the room and describe it to their team members.
Hot Seat
A student sits at the front of the classroom and answers questions. Other students try to guess their answers.
Students use the names of Japanese prefectures to work on their spelling and vocabulary.
Strange Patient
This a simple guessing game that has students playing the role of a patient who kind of has an idea of what sickness they have, and the doctor is trying to guess whether or not they are lying.
Phone Janken Out
Student engage in a fun conversational activity that practices an easy phone conversation.
Students learn how to describe their symptoms by playing Janken games.
School Differences
Students identify which sentences describe American or Japanese schools.
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