
Christmas Blast Power Point Game

This is a template that I made that can be filled in to make a review game for almost anything. Since the questions are able to be customized, this power point can work at any level.

Edit all of the question slides to suit your needs, but do not delete or move slides unless you know what you are doing, because it will mess everything up.

All of the game rules are at your discretion, this is just a suggested way.

**This power point contains audio. Be sure to have your volume at an appropriate level before starting it.

  1. Put the students into groups, and give a white board and marker to each group, unless all your questions will be answered orally.
  2. Have each team make a team name, or assign team numbers. Use the blackboard to keep score.
  3. Show the amusing title screen, which plays "Jingle Bells". Feel free to do a sing along, or just skip to the next slide.
  4. Explain the rules on the next slide, candy cane points, green and red presents, the grinch, and KFC.
  5. The next slide contains numbers numbers 1 through 48. Roll a dice or do rock-paper-scissors for a group to go first. The team who goes first chooses a number. Tell everyone to get ready to answer the question before you click on the number.
  6. When the question is revealed, read the instructions and possibly the question itself because saying "go" and starting the timer.
  7. You can either have each team go one at a time, or have all groups answer the question at the same time by having everyone hold up their whiteboard when the timer goes off. Have the student that wrote on the whiteboard read their answer aloud correctly to get the points. If it is a simple vocabulary word question, have the class say it together. If the timer on the power point is too fast, I recommend using your own timer with an alarm and just ignoring it the one in the power point. After every question, have the students pass the whiteboard to a new person in the group so that everyone has a chance.
  8. Click anywhere on the screen ONCE to reveal the answer and the Santa Claus button.
  9. Click the Santa Claus button to reveal the reward for the question and award points accordingly.

If having all groups answer:
- Award the candy canes (points) to every group who answered correctly.
- For the green present, the team that chose the current question number chooses one other team to blast the points from.
- For the red present, every team loses points except for the team that chose the number.
- The Grinch takes half of the points from the team who chose the number.
- KFC doubles everyone's points who answered correctly.

If having one at a time answer, the prize screen affects only that team.

  1. Click the home button on the prize screen to return to the number select screen and move to the next group to choose a number.
  2. Repeat the process of choosing a number, answering a question, and awarding the points until the lesson time is up or there are no questions.
  3. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins. Give the winners a Christmas sticker or something.

Due to the way Power Point works, you must be careful to accurately click the Santa Claus button in the lower right corner after the showing the answer to a question. If you misclick it will simply go to whatever the next question slide is instead of going to the prize screen. In addition, you must accurately click the home button on the prize screen to return to the number select screen instead of moving to the next prize slide. If you make a mistake, DO NOT end the slide show or everything will be reset. Just find the next Santa Claus or home button and click it before the kids see too much. The corresponding number of the question that was mistakenly revealed will still be available to click and everything will be fine. It is a good idea to practice using this power point before jumping into a class with it. I recommend using a wireless mouse and maybe increasing the size of the computer cursor.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Christmas Blast.ppt (32.3 MB)
  • 29
    Submitted by JoeyJoJo December 4, 2018 Estimated time: Over an hour, but the game can be stopped at any time and a winner declared.
    1. elfmagic777 December 17, 2018

      As always these games are the best! Thank you so much for the time you put into desgining this video game! My kids love it!

    2. Keikipan December 20, 2018

      Fantastic job, all my students really enjoyed it. Thank you very much!

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