
Jeopardy Game for 3-4 Grader

General Knowledge Quiz

English quiz show Jeopardy.
Divide the class into groups.
One student from each team plays janken, winner goes first then second winner and orderly take turns.
The student will pick an amount of points they can get from the Jeopardy board.
30 seconds to answer the question and other team can steal if they cant answer.
If it's correct, award points.If they can
t answer the group who gets the correct answer gets the award points.
then let the other student pick amount of points.
Winner gets the highest number of points.

Color, Shapes, Fruit, Vegetables, Food,Sport , Alphabet, Question, Reaction.

I attached the file. Its was corrupted when I uploaded.

Submitted by rishj54 January 10, 2023 Estimated time: 15-30 mins
  1. Bonjure289 January 10, 2023

    I like this, but is it possible to make it that when you go back to the board from a question, the question you did disappears from it? They stay there, and it might be a little confusing.

  2. rishj54 January 10, 2023

    Please change the color of Jeopardy board. It changed from the original when I uploaded. There is a arrow click and it will go back to the Original board.

  3. rishj54 January 10, 2023

    Here is the correct link

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