
Minigame Collection

Just some minigames I have been creating to add into review games.

Edit: Uploaded a newer version with sounds and proper ending for the lever game with an explosion

Been making a lot of minigames to use for review games (like the ones where students pick a number from 1-20 and then answer a question to get points). I have taken inspiration from Mario Party and WarioWare for some (like the cannon game, the game with the levers, and taking a picture of something zooming across the screen). This is to keep some engagement from every group.

I will be updating this activity every now and then whenever I make a new minigame to add. The instructions are in the notes of each slide, the button one is unfinished (though its simple, I saved it for last lol)

They can easily go into any of your powerpoints just by copying the slide and pasting it into your powerpoint

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • MinigameCollection.pptx (3.89 MB)
  • 15
    Submitted by Joseph1996 February 8, 2024 Estimated time:

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