
"If" Writing Game (Pg.24 New Horizon 2)

This is a short competitive writing game focusing on the grammar "if".

So the rules of the game are layed out in the powerpoint presentation, but in short there are three teams. Each team sends two players to the board to write a correct sentence (correct spelling, grammar, etc.). Each slide has a different example, and first team to finish gets 2 points, second team 1 point, and last team zero. Also the teams teamates are allowed to shout to help the students at the board writing.

Small files
  • _If_ Writing Game.pptx (969 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Unit #2 Scene #2.pptx (2.61 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by MegaTaco July 5, 2024 Estimated time: 15-25 minutes

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