
Top 3

Based on New Horizons 2, pg. 42 grammar "It is"

The activity works as followed: Each student gets a worksheet. Each round they will pick the answer that sounds best to them and write it down. Then the ALT will reveal how many points each answer is worth. As one heart equals 1 point, two hearts 2 points, and a bomb is minus one point. There are a total of 10 questions, and after finishing all the questions have the students add up their points and see who has the most! Hope you and your students enjoy! (So I will say this. This is not a fully original idea of mine. So please give credit to the og activity/creator, and here is a link to the original activity: Though me and my JTE did take it and edit it a little bit to adjust to New Horizons 2 pg. 42 and our needs.)

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2nd Grade Activity _It is_ - WS.docx (2.32 MB)
  • 2nd Grade Activity _It is_ .pptx (16.8 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by MegaTaco July 5, 2024 Estimated time: 15-25 minutes

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