
New Horizons #2 Unit #3 Review Activity

A worksheet and speaking activity combo to help review Unit #3 of New Horizons #2

So with my classes I would start with the speaking activity (the rules are listed on one of the slides on the powepoint) and I would do that activity for 20-25 minutes depending on the class. Then after that I would move on to the worksheet where there are three sections. And in each section they will write three sentences. I also went over the examples of each section before they started. This would also go on for around 20-25 minutes. And if I had anytime left I would call on students to share one of their sentences that they wrote until the bell rings.

Small files
  • 2nd Grade Speaking Activity.pdf (721 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2nd Grade Writing Activity.docx (1.24 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • 2nd Grade Speaking Activity.pptx (68 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by MegaTaco August 27, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50
    1. Miki248 August 29, 2024

      Thank you for this! Could you please provide a web link of the powerpoint presentation or compress it to be less than 40 MB?

    2. scrying September 2, 2024

      I like the speaking activity. A tweak I'll be using with it is to have the final person in the row write the sentence down and then see if they actually got it right.

    3. MegaTaco September 3, 2024

      @scrying That's a good idea! I will have to do that next time I use this game. Hope your students enjoy!

    4. MegaTaco September 3, 2024

      @Miki248 I am not to techy but I was able to make it into a pdf if that helps! Let me know if it doesn't work so I can figure out another way!

    5. Miki248 September 4, 2024

      @MegaTaco Thank you so much, this is perfect!

    6. MegaTaco September 9, 2024

      @Miki248 You're welcome!

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