So before I explain how I went about this activity I will shout out @ronjacob5258 ( as this is their original idea. All I did was tweak it a little bit with the help from one of my JTE's to fit our needs. So again all credit goes to @ronjacob5258. And so first I would distribute the worksheets. And afterwards would use the second slide of my powerpoint to explain the rules. Then the students will select two boxes in each vertical (I like, finished, stopped, etc.) row except for the last one (I'm good at) in which I only had them select one box. Next each inning I would show what each answer is worth. HR = 4 points, 3B= 3 points, 2B= 2 points, 1B - 1 point, and SO = 0 points. And so for example let's say a student selected one answer which was a HR and another that was 1B, then for that inning the student would earn 5 points (an idea by my JTE). Then after the 4th inning we would have them select different answers in the first four vertical rows (I like, finished, stopped, etc.) because we wanted them to practice those four the most. So innings 5-8 are kind of a repeat except now the answers are worth different points. Finally the 9th inning was just the one answer for the (I'm good at) row. Then for the other side of the worksheet we added on more lines so that the students can write up to 10 different sentences using the words above the example with providing some other examples on the board.
*Note: For my powerpoint since it was such a huge file I split it up into two smaller files for those who don't have a subscriber account. So you will have to combine the two files together as one powerpoint. Hopefully that works and helps!
I noticed your powerpoints are usually large files.
You can easily reduce the size by reducing the quality of the pictures you use, with very little change to the presentation quality.
I think I read that you were not very tech savvy so here is a link that should hopefully help you.
Thanks for the link! But my school's cromebook has it blocked for whatever reason. Do you possibly know anything simular for google? And lol yeah I am not tech savvy at all. Which is why I have been downloading my powerpoints as pdfs and uploading them along with the other powerpoint file.
Maybe open the link on your phone?
I also saved the page as a pdf. You can access it here:
Hope that helps
Okay thank you so much for all your help! I will try and see what I can do! Because I do all my work on the school cromebook so we will see how far it allows me to go lol.
Though if nothing else what I may have to start doing is splitting up my powerpoints into two different files and just give people a heads up they will have to download and combine the two or more files.
@ChetBorneo I just split up the powerpoint into two smaller files! Let me know if that works!
@MegaTaco Yeah that works fine. Thanks
Together they are actually less than the 40mb upload limit now :D
@ChetBorneo You're welcome! And that's funny how they are less than 40mb when seperate files but over 60mb as one file. lol