
Halloween Alphabet Cards

A set of Halloween themed uppercase alphabet cards. 4 per A4 page.

A set of Halloween themed alphabet cards to use with elementary students. I use them with my 3rd graders for Let's Try 1 Unit 6.

There are 4 cards per 1 A4 page making them the perfect size for group activites.

Example activities:

Lucky dip game: a student comes to the front and picks an alphabet card out of a bag at random, keeping it secret from their classmates. Then try to make that letter with their body for the class to guess. I like to choose the students by student number with a random number generator to keep things fair.

'Higher or Lower' style card game: students split into groups with 2 teams, and pick 13 random cards each team. E.g. 10 people in a group, 2 teams of 5. This works well if your homeroom teacher is more involved so you can go back and forth supervising the groups. They choose 1 card each round to battle with the other team. The highest letter each round wins, Z being highest. You would need one set of cards for each group with this activity.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Halloween ABC Cards.docx (2.24 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by sheepy20 October 24, 2024 Estimated time: N/A

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