
Indigenous American History Month Listening

Listening activity about Indigenous American History Month with a PowerPoint.

A short listening activity worksheet about Indigenous American History Month where I give a dictation and students fill in the blanks. I usually read the passage aloud three times, then we review the missing words together and have the class repeat the passage after me. Afterward, students answer True/False questions about the listening passage and a few multiple-choice questions about the meaning of the four boldened words in the passage. Once students fill in their answers, I call them by student number to write their answers on the board.

Listening Passage:
Native Americans have lived in America for thousands of years. Over time, various groups of native people developed distinctive characteristics and became many different tribes. Today, there are over 600 Tribal Nations recognized in the U.S., all representing different languages, traditions, and ways of life.
In the U.S., November became "National American Indian Heritage Month" in 1990. However, the term "American Indian" became an outdated label, and many native people now prefer the word "Indigenous". The word "indigenous" refers to the original inhabitants of a place. Celebrating the history of Indigenous American people is important because a lot of their history was erased when European settlers arrived. Today we can honor tribes by remembering their preserved history.

1. Please circle either T for "True" or F for "False" for each statement based on the passage.
A. Indigenous Americans have lived for hundreds of years. - (False, thousands not hundreds)
B. Every indigenous group has its own culture. - (True)
C. Today there are about 60 Tribal Nations. - (False, there are over 600)
D. December is National American Indian Heritage Month. - (False, it's November)
E. "American Indian" is a new term. - (False, it's an old term)
F. "Native American" means "Indigenous American". - (True)
G. European settlers tried to erase Indigenous history. - (True)

A. 先住民族のアメリカ人は何百年も暮らしてきました。
B. 先住民族グループにはそれぞれ独自の文化があります。
C. 現在、約 60 の部族国家があります。
D. 12 月はアメリカインディアン文化遺産月間です。
E. 「アメリカンインディアン」は新しい用語です。
F. 「ネイティブアメリカン」は「先住民族のアメリカ人」を意味します。
G. ヨーロッパからの入植者は先住民の歴史を消し去ろうとしました。

  1. What do you think the word “characteristics” means?
    A. psychology 心理学
    B. story characters 物語の登場人物
    C. traits 特徴 - (TRUE)
    D. property 財産

  2. What do you think the word “tribes” means?
    A. ethnic groups 部族 - (TRUE)
    B. folktales 民話
    C. traditions 伝統
    D. meetings 会議

  3. What do you think the word “outdated” means?
    A. new 新しい
    B. bought 買った
    C. boring つまらない
    D. obsolete 時代遅れ - (TRUE)

  4. What do you think the word “indigenous” means?
    A. rare 珍しい
    B. religious 宗教的
    C. aboriginal 先住民族 - (TRUE)
    D. immigrant 移民

  5. Please circle either T for "True" or F for "False" for each word that describes Indigenous American History.
    A. Important 大切 - (TRUE)
    B. New 新しい - (FALSE)
    C. Origin 起源 - (TRUE)
    D. Traditional 伝統的 - (TRUE)
    E. Foreigners 外国人 - (FALSE)

Small files
  • Indigenous American History Listening Activity.docx (173 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Indigenous American Heritage Month Listening Activity.pptx (4.38 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by HafuTokyoite November 1, 2024 Estimated time: 15 minutes

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