
Let's Try! 2 Unit 6 Alphabets (abc)

2-part PDF search and count alphabets lowercase

It's a lowercase search and count version of the uppercase activity I saw previously here in ALTopedia but I forgot where it is. Sorry!

It's a 2-part PDF format activity with its respective answer sheets.

  1. a-m
  2. n-z

The answer sheets are the most accurate count I could do. But often the kids will definitely answer it better.

It's supposed to be actually simple SO I added some alphabets from the 2nd part in the 1st part and vice versa with the 2nd part JUST to jolt the kids' interests (>u<)b

It is a very challenging but fun quick activity that could be done from 10 to 15 minutes.

Submitted by msmegumi December 19, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15mins

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