
Gang War Battle Game

A powerpoint game useful for review.

UPDATE: I added a new version for relative pronouns practice. It opens with a quiz game that should be played in rows. The first student to raise their hand completes the sentence and picks a shop. Their row gets points. If they didn't get 5 or -3 then another row has a chance. If they did then have all the students in that first row sit down. Click the question to see the answer then have the next student in each row stand up and go onto question two.


This game plays the same way as Robots Invade the Town and other battle games I've posted.

Introduce the game and explain over the first few slides that the Black Cats were the gang leaders of the city but they are in jail now. A new gang will try to take over the city.

Introduce the four teams.

Now move onto the demonstration slide where the ALT plays against the JTE. Click on the A, B or C buttons to get a question. Click on the question to see an answer and on the answer to make both question and answer disappear. Demonstrate showing the answer to a teacher. Maybe check and practice the question and answer to make certain the students understand the target. In the first round click on a shop for the JTE's team to appear (Red) and another for the ALT team to appear after both answer the question. For the ALT click on the red team on that shop to turn it yellow.

Repeat with the JTE answering another question and taking the remaining shop. On the ALT turn after answering there is no available shop. The ALT must roll a 4 5 or 6 to take over a shop from the JTE.

Now make groups. Give each student a worksheet and each group a card with keywords as well as an optional colored team card. When a student comes up with an answer you cross out those keywords on the team sheet so they don't use it again and again if you think its necessary. Try to make sure they take turns coming up with answers.

After a certain amount of time (I usually end it when one or two groups finish all the questions) end the game and count shops to see which team is the winner. You can click on the moon to go to the victory screen. If you click on one of the small color spots it will cause that team to appear with the BTS victory dancers. If you click on the black one just the dancers appear. Use that if there is a tie.

There are four teams so when you break your class down into groups more than one group will be on the same team. For example in a class that breaks down into six groups then you'll have 2 red, yellow and blue teams. In a class that breaks down into 8 groups you'll have 2 red, green, blue and yellow groups. In a class that breaks down into 9 groups you'll have 3 red, yellow and blue teams.

If the class breaks down into 5 or 7 groups you'll have to move a few students around since those numbers don't work for this activity.

Optionally ask the students an additional simple question when they bring their answer.

Update: Added auto to the the victory screen.

Small files
  • GANG WAR 2021 'relative pronouns' Review.docx (85.3 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • GANG WAR 2021 'relative pronouns' Review.pptx (14.6 MB)
  • 15
    Submitted by UonumaRobert September 20, 2019 Estimated time: 25 minutes or longer depending on how many questions you prepare.
    Inspired by CASTLE BATTLES
    1. marumaru June 23, 2022

      Hi! I have been using this game for the past 2.5 years but I only just made an account on here, just wanted to let you know it's my bread and butter! Tysm :)

    2. UonumaRobert June 24, 2022

      Thanks. I'm glad you like it. As soon as I saw those gang pictures on Irasutoya I knew I needed to use them somehow.

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