
Junior High School

Aimed at junior high school students.

  • Snoopy's Busy Month

    Students read sentences and change the verb in parentheses to the past tense form.

  • ALT and JTE Interview

    Students think of 'Do you like' questions to ask the teachers and fill in the worksheet.

  • Canada Quizzes

    Three choice quizzes I use when first start at schools. Might be useful for other ALTs from Canada.

  • English Class Rules

    This is a relatively quick game to practice the must/mustn't grammar form while also reviewing verbs and basic rules of behavior in English class.

  • Alphabet Mistakes

    Guess what letters are not correct and fix them.

  • Pairs Janken Snake

    This game helps students practice vocabulary or English sentences. It is a general game that can be used for ES or JHS lessons.

  • Thief

    Students compose a series of questions to try and guess who the thief of the chocolate cake the ALT made was.

  • Imperative Bingo

    This is just a simple bingo game that practices Imperative phrases.

  • He Looks Terrible

    The students look at pictures and listen to sounds, and then write sentences to describe what they saw/heard.

  • Twisted Pictionary

    Students have ten seconds to draw a picture and have their teammates guess it.

  • Name That Sport

    Students listen to the rules of various sports and must guess the correct sport.

  • What Do You Think Of English

    Students translate the adjectives into Japanese then ask each other their opinions.

  • Calendar Otaku

    Students are asked about the dates of various Japanese holidays and receive points for answering correctly.

  • Relative Matching

    Students make sentences using 'that/which' Relative Pronouns.

  • Phone Numbers

    A listening and speaking telephone number activity.

  • Have You Ever Bet

    Students practice "Have you ever ....?" questions while having fun betting about classmates' experiences.

  • Daily Routine

    Students race to read and write sentences and complete the passage.

  • How Many Monsters

    Students practice asking "How many?" and review body parts by drawing monsters.

  • How Much Shopping

    Students ask "How much is~?" to find out the prices of the items in this info gap activity.

  • Shall I Shopping

    Students practice "Shall I show you...." while role playing shopping for clothes.

  • Fish Go

    This is a group card activity that practices offering food using "Would you like...?" It is the reverse of "Go Fish."

  • Do As I Say

    Students work in groups to respond to commands from the teacher and formulate appropriate responses.

  • Scattergories

    The objective of Scattergories is to score points by uniquely naming objects within a set of categories, given an initial letter, within a time limit.

  • Famous Infinitives

    Students choose a famous star and, in pairs, ask each other questions to determine which star they have chosen.

  • UNO and GO FISH CARDS And Extras

    A speaking activity based on the Uno Card Game. The same deck can also be used to play Go Fish

  • Bingo Bongo

    Students ask the ALT questions to try and get a Bingo or Bongo.

  • Does He Like Sushi?

    Students interview three friends and try to guess which character they have chosen using "Does she/he...?" questions and a process of elimination.

  • Pen Collection

    This is a simple game that practices 'whose' and borrowing the students' pens.

  • Letters To Hakuho

    This activity gives the students an opportunity to make funny or interesting sentences using the 'it...for...to...' pattern.

  • Alphabet Madness

    An activity to motivate students to write the alphabet faster.

  • Word Finder

    A simple yet addictive and competitive word finder game.

  • Scrabble Time Bomb

    A timer is started and students race to write words on the chalkboard and not to be the student holding the chalk when the timer sounds.

  • Super Mario Typhoon

    Students review what was studied in the year with a fun, 48 question quiz based on Mario.

  • Run and Read

    Pair activity that involves students finding information that is scattered around the classroom and passing it on to their partner.

  • Guess Who - I Have Already Eaten Lunch

    An activity based on the popular Guess Who game.

  • Hawaiian Plane Crash

    The students are given a plane crash scenario and they must choose objects from the crash to carry with them to survive.

  • Ghost Leg

    Students practice the alphabet by playing a bingo game based on "amida kuji," which means "ghost leg."

  • Who is Sazae's brother?

    Students race to find the correct Sazae-san family member based on questions asked by the ALT.

  • The Sleeping Game

    Students work together to put sentences in the right order.

  • Show me your Passport... or else!

    Students will play the roles of the customs officer and tourist in a guessing activity.

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