
What food is it?

A simple guessing game

Click one tile at a time to reveal a hint (one part of a distorted image)
If it's too difficult, you can remove the distortions to reveal parts of the original images.
I used this to review the sentence, "I'd like..., please." but feel free to use it whenever you see it fit.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • what food is it.pptx (24.9 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by crisxselda February 9, 2022 Estimated time: 5 minutes or less
    1. VinShida February 10, 2022

      This looks pretty good. How'd you blur all the pictures? (O。O)?

      oh, also the last slide of the sandwich doesn't say "sandwich" a the end for the answer.

    2. crisxselda February 10, 2022

      @VinShida Thank you. Before putting the black tiles, I pasted a copy of the original image (seen on the next slide) and added effects to it. You can easily do it by choosing an effect on the format tab then artistic effects. If your PC is in Japanese, it's アート効果. I hope this helps.

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