
Let's Try 2: Unit 2 (Weather Board game)

This is a weather board game I created using Canva. Attached to this are large picture cards and the game board. This was inspired by thaist.

This is a weather board game I created using Canva. It was inspired by the user thaist's weather board game. Attached to this is the large weather picture cards, and two different versions of the board game. However please feel free to use these resources as you like or change the rules to the game.

Materials you may need:

-Board game printed on B4 paper (laminated board games last longer and can be reused)
-Dice labeled with numbers 1-3 (The amount of dice may vary depending on the groups you make in class)
-1 moveable piece per student (You can have your students use their erasers if you don't want to create extra pieces)

Instructions for board game:

Students will be in groups of 2-4 students, they will have one gameboard per pair/group. Students will also have one die per group. Students will take turns rolling their dice, depending on the number they land on, students will move that many spaces on their gameboard (they must count in English). Once they land on their spot all the students who aren't moving pieces will ask, "How's the weather?" The student who's turn it is, must say the correct type of weather of the spot they landed on to stay using the sentence frame, "It's ________". If the students are unable to say the correct type of weather, they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn. The student that reaches the finish spot first wins. If students finish early, they can play the game multiple times. To make it more challenging, if students are unable to say the type of weather, they can go back all the way to the starting line. However if students needs help, they can always ask you or the main teacher.

Stickers can be handed out as prizes whenever a student wins. A con to this however is that sometimes students expect stickers every time they win, or will pretend to say the right weather just to win. This may take a bit of monitoring from you and your Main teacher. To help students, review the weather on the board game as a class before starting the game.

You may notice that some of the spots have people interacting with the weather and not just a picture of the weather itself. This is because many of the pictures I found for windy , rainy, snowy, all had different variations of just clouds, and that may be a bit confusing for the students, so I chose to add a few different pictures for that instead. The textbook does not include windy as one of the words students need to know, but I included it as it was shown in the song I presented to the students. If you would not like to teach windy to them, and want to stick to the textbook, I have also included a gameboard without windy.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by RosaSensei May 2, 2024 Estimated time: 10 minutes

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