
What _____ do you like? (NH #1, Pg. 42)

A worksheet focusing on the grammar "What ___ do you like?"

A worksheet focusing on the grammar "What ___ do you like?," and there are ten lines for students to make their own sentences. Now when I did this with my classes I used the two examples from the key sentences found on pg. 42 of new horizons to review the grammar by having them repeat each sentence after me (2 or 3 times). And then I wrote five more examples on the chalkboard that I could think of and would choose one or two students to answer each question, and after that would have them repeat the questions and answers after me (2 or 3 times). Then I had them write their own sentences and at the end of class choose some students at random to ask me one of their questions.

Submitted by MegaTaco August 27, 2024 Estimated time: 25-50 minutes

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