
Pass the BOMB! (Whose~)

A group game where students pass around a bomb token while practicing the target English until one student sets off the bomb and loses a heart point.

This game and the cards can be adapted for most target English points. We used it in JHS to practice the question 'Whose~'

  1. Students make a group of 4 (or more) players. Each player receives 3 heart points to start (you can also use ohajikis or just have students remember their points).

  2. The cards are shuffled and placed in the center of the table. Students janken to decide who starts with the bomb token. When everyone is ready, the ALT starts a 10min timer for the game.

  3. The student with the bomb token flips over the top card of the deck. They then ask the target question using the image on the card eg. "Whose dog is this?" They then pass the bomb token based on the arrow and number on the card eg. 3 right, 2 left, across, etc. The player who the bomb lands on answers with "It's mine!" That player then draws the next card and the cycle continues.

  4. When a player flips over the explosion card, they lose one heart point and all cards (including the explosion) are shuffled back into the deck. The game then continues until time is up. Players then check how many heart points they have left.

The file attached includes a sheet of picture cards and the bomb/explosions cards. Each deck has 15 cards and 1 explosion card.

Feel free to change the images on the cards to suit any target english you're using in class. They can also be used for general vocab practice without the question and answer component. As always feel free to tweak things however you like.

Small files
  • Hearts.docx (114 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Pass the Bomb 1st yr WHOSE.docx (2.49 MB)
  • 11
    Submitted by Chrial September 30, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15min

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