There are 4 words to guess, blue, yellow, green and purple.
It is great for ES 4th (learning small letters) and 5th (beginning of the school year).
I made it entirely, I am now preparing a version to customise words to guess, backgrounds and other parameters.
it is available at this link :
BETA version of the ADMIN page:
note that it is a beta version, some bugs could happen, for now, the pages you generate will be acessible for at least 2 days.
I made a Wall of Words here:
(the words you add aren't automatically in this page, it is moderated!)
Perhaps it is just me, but I cannot access that link?
Thank you. Do you have the customized one already?
TO: Bonjure289
what happens when you visit or try to visit the webpage?
This is amazing!! I would love a version that I can customize so I could play this with my junior high school students when we have extra time during class.
Amberece: you can now customize words, it will "format " all typed content in small letters, block the common "bad words". You can customize the home button mouse-over color, and you can only generate 10 times
now, as everything works fine, I will focus on other customizations like background and scenarii.