
Connect it: spelling and sound

A fun activity that focuses on the spelling and pronunciation of words to help deepen sound and spelling association. Works best with students who can write and spell competently. Min. JHS and above.

See image for example. (You may choose your own starting word that all groups/teams must start with, e.g. "English".)

Basically, the aim is to connect as many words as possible to each other by consonant or vowel sounds (phonemes) or their spelling alternatives.

To simply explain the rules, use the example for a demonstration while highlighting how they're connected.
・1-point for each connection

Have students work in their groups and submit via the JTE's choice of digital submission (e.g. Okulink/miraiseed, etc.) or on the classroom's portable whiteboards.
Give them 5-6 minutes to brainstorm and write. Encourage the use of their textbooks to reduce misspellings.
Review them when time's up to count points together. By reviewing them as a class, you can check with the respective group's decision while also dispelling any misconceptions regarding pronunciation and spelling. Include lots of your own thinking aloud as positive reinforcement. The kids are either to shy or unable to verbalise why they made a decision.

Small files
  • connect.png (122 KB)
  • 4
    Submitted by SomeAus December 24, 2024 Estimated time: 20 minutes

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