Specifically practices the word "What."
The Mystery Box Game
The mystery box game is a super fun power point game. customize all questions and pictures and animations freely. Have fun.
What time is it?
Lets Try 2- Unit 4.
I see/ I spy game (How many~)
A class based activity that is a question and answer format for the teachers and students. (Blue Sky 1 - Target 11)
Food Chain Game
A game where students can evolve while practicing certain conversation pieces.
Summer Vacation Plans Worksheet
This is a worksheet I made for JHS 一年生 using "I will ~" 。When they finish, it can easily segue into a pair conversation activity where students can ask each other about their summer vacation plans!
New Horizon 5 U3 - Where is Kirby?
Speaking activity to practice the unit's target language "What do you want to be?" ---- "I want to be a....."
Let's Interview a Foreign Person!
Students will interview one another to determine each other's schedules and likes. Covers the "what time do you ____?" and "what ____ do you like?" grammar points outlined on NH1 Pg41 & p42.
Kahoot for 5th Grade Unit 3
What do you want study? Review Kahoot
What do you ~ BINGO
a worksheet to practice the target grammar "What~".
What do you want to watch? BINGO scaffold
Bingo activity that allows students to practice writing sports names and saying "what do you want to watch?"
Fun trivia activity (What's this?)
A short and fun mini-trivia activity that includes many random things related to Japan as well as funny tricky items that hopefully leave the students laughing. (Blue Sky 1 - Target 4)
What's this? Who's this?
This is an info-gap activity to practice the use of question words, WHAT, and WHO.
Splatoon "What ... do you like?" Splatfest
A simple multiple choice points game to be played in small groups. The aim is to encourage students to produce the target language to each other.
What's this? Your kids will enjoy this game!
Use this activity to have fun with your students.
Small talk
Name/from/like interview sheet for 6th graders
An activity that helps get students to practice their names, say the names of countries and say something that they like ( colour &sport).
Is it Cake? (Let's Try 1 Unit 8)
Students attempt to guess which objects are real and which are cake, inspired by the brilliant Netflix series of the same name.
Team Rocket Attack
Colors, Foods, Weather, Days
6th Grade New Horizon Jeopardy
End-of-term Jeopardy review
Different kinds of ANIMALS
St. Patrick's Day "I wish..." Worksheet
A short St. Patrick's Day-themed worksheet to help students practice writing and expressing desires.
Let's Try 1 Lesson 8 - Pokemon Stadium Quiz Show
A quick powerpoint quiz show for Lesson 8 for Let's Try 1 (3rd Graders). UI based on Pokmon Stadium 2 (Gold and Silver in Japan).
Question Words Poster
A poster to use in your English classrooms or on your English board
What do you like Pirate Game
Multiple teams compete as pirates fighting to survive by answering questions.
My Best School Memory!
It's not an activity but a slideshow and worksheet to help them memorizing the questions. Unit 7 in the textbook has answer sentences like "My best memory is ________." but...
What would you like? (Food)
Sts upgrade to different classes to get a Mileage card.
Review Jeopardy (Template)
Here is a template for Jeopardy (that can be used on older laptops).
Who's That Pokemon? (What's This?)
Let's Try 1 Unit 8 What's this? Pokemon Quiz
Christmas Bingo - What do you want for Christmas?
A Christmas themed bingo where students find out what their friends want for Christmas
Christmas (Jeopardy)
I make a lot of Jeopardy games and this version is the most requested version by my teachers. Enjoy!
Do you have______?
It is a powerpoint presentation using a spotlight animation. The students will guess the hidden school material or "bunbougu."
NEW Super Mario Bros. Christmas Blast - (Keynote)
Using the template made Philip A. Walker, I made a Christmas Quiz focusing on Middle Schoolers.
Let's make a pizza!
An activity for "Let's try 2 unit 7".
What do you want? Fruits and Vegetables PPT Game
Students practice the phrase 'I want ~.' in response to the class asking 'What do you want?'. Click the item to see if they won on that slide by revealing a celebratory gif.
Spy X Family What would you like? Game
Students guess which each character would like using the phrase 'I would like ~~.' in response to the teacher or whole class asking 'What would you like?'. Made for Here We Go 5 U7.
Market thieves: revamping the missing game
A missing game where animals steal your fruits, vegetables and other food, from your market stand. Ask your students what's missing so they can get them back! Can be used for price/number practice too
Black Box
A fun activity in which students give hints to a student who is touching an unidentified object that everyone else knows.
What time do you ~~? Interview
Students will become 1 of 5 foreigners, each with varying daily schedules. Their goal is to find the other 4 foreigners and learn about their schedule through a series of interview questions.
Let's Make A Pizza
Activity for Let's Try 2 Unit 7: What do you want?
What day is it? Character search game
Students search for characters using the dialogue: 'What day is it?' 'It's _________.'
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