
Past Simple

He visited Kyoto last month.

  • Shopping Yesterday

    Students read a short passage and answer the Past Tense questions.

  • Sentence Making Relay

    Students try to make passive sentences from sheets over paper located on the walls of the classroom.

  • Crazy Diary Entry

    A writing activity that lets students make a crazy diary entry. Student then read their diary entry to the class for lots of fun.

  • Crazy Story

    Students fill in a form then insert the info into a template to create a crazy story, then have a go at writing their own.

  • Did The ALT...?

    Students ask the ALT questions using 'did' questions: "Did you eat breakfast yesterday?" Points are recieved for 'yes' responses.

  • My English Diary

    This diary gives students an opportunity to write in English freely.

  • Tsum Tsum My Summer Vacation

    Materials for Elementary School 'You Can' My Summer Vacation Lesson

  • My Golden Week was ~~

    A worksheet to accommodate the 2nd year Power-Up 1 activity in the Sunshine textbooks.

  • Back To The Future

    Lets students review simple past tense whilst introducing simple future tense.

  • Weekend Diary

    Students race to read and write sentences and complete the passage.


    This is a modified Snakes and Ladders game to review grammar points for JHS first grade (in this version, VERB TENSES). Can be played with individual players or in groups.

  • Story Cards

    Pairs of students listen to teacher read a bad and crazy fairytale. If they match, they win!

  • Snoopy's Busy Month

    Students read sentences and change the verb in parentheses to the past tense form.

  • UNO and GO FISH CARDS And Extras

    A speaking activity based on the Uno Card Game. The same deck can also be used to play Go Fish


    A simple activity useful for communicating and reviewing target language.


    Another territorial battle game. Like Robots attacking the world it is meant for longer or more advanced questions.


    Simple 'YES' or 'NO' interview activity. Its mean for practicing 'Did you' questions and negative past tense writing.

  • Speed Circling

    A karuta styled activity to be played in pairs.

  • I watched TV past simple

    A "Who Dunnit" game that has students asking other students what they were doing recently.

  • Letters to Santa

    Students practice writing by reflecting on the year, remembering their good deeds, and asking Santa for presents.

  • My school year memories

    Students practice past tense by writing about their memories of the school year.

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