
Hanukkah presentation and quiz

A fun and informative presentation to teach students about Hanukkah!

Teach your students about Hanukkah with pictures, quiz questions, an extremely shortened and simplified version of the story of Hanukkah, customs and traditions, and the dreidel song (plus a few bonus Christmas videos at the end from when I tried to give a combined Christmas and Hanukkah presentation last year).

I tried to make this presentation as fun and easy to understand as possible. Enjoy!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • hanukkah 2022 version.pptx (27.9 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by sophie December 8, 2022 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes
    1. lsuna December 8, 2022

      Great job Sophie! Glad we submitted Hanukkah lessons at the same time

    2. ShadowTheHedgehog December 12, 2022

      Finally. Some Hanukkah materials. My heart is soaring right now :')

    3. ohnoko December 16, 2022

      So happy to have more Chanukah lessons! I have a rudimentary introduction I use before teaching the kids how to play dreidel, but it's not my original material so I never felt comfortable uploading it :( Thanks for the new stuff, y'all!

    4. I Still Play Neopets December 19, 2022

      Never wanted potato pancakes more than this moment. Great material!!

    5. sophie December 20, 2022

      Thanks, everybody!! I'm really happy that my presentation is getting some use :)

    6. ratclass December 4, 2023

      thanks so much for making and sharing, I really want to teach my students about all different cultures and this is a huge help!

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