
Asking Directions + Collecting Signatures

This is specific to NH1 P94. It is a simple pair activity with a worksheet to help students practice how to ask directions. The pair activity could also be used for practicing another grammar point.

The worksheet included can be used as a standalone but my JTE included an activity to go along with it. I included the activity sheet with the worksheet in the word document.

Make sure to introduce the topic in the previous class before doing this activity. This is so that the students will already have an understanding of the grammar as well as the map symbols (it will also be easier for you this way).

Hand out the worksheets at the beginning of the class. Display the map on the TV for all the students to see. Go through the directions worksheet (using the dialogue as well as other areas on the map) and have the students fill it out (the students will use it as a guide for the activity).

The activity sheet will be used later to collect the signatures of the students. Each student will try to collect as many signatures as they can within the time limit (if you want to set one). Also make sure to give an example of what a signature is on the board, something fast and simple!

- The students will form pairs, turning their desks to face each other to form columns.
- One side of each column will ask the question (in this case, the "woman" in the dialogue). The next side will be the person answering (in this case, Kaito).
- The side asking the question will be the one to get up and move around to collect signatures while the other side sits and waits for them to come and ask.
- After a pair completes the dialogue, the student sitting down (Kaito) will write their signature in one of the boxes of the other students activity sheet. Then they'll move on to another person.
- After about 6-10 minutes switch sides and repeat the process.

The signatures are collected at random so as soon as one student is finished they can move to find another person to ask.

PS: This activity can also be used for page 74 of NH1 (Physical Condition) and page 81 of NH2 (Changing Trains).
I've posted a separate worksheet for the NH2 Changing Trains activity.

Submitted by AbbyALT December 21, 2023 Estimated time: 15 - 20 minutes

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