
USA School Rules Quiz

An activity based on American school rules using grammar from Pg. 59 New Horizons 2

This activity is based off of another activity here on ALTopedia (link to the og: and I changed it a little bit to adapt to the USA school rules (which are a little simular to the UK). I also had a worsheet in which I included all of the statements from the powerpoint and made a little game out of it where they guess if the staments are true or false. If they guess correctly they get one point and if wrong zero points. Now there are two different versions of the worksheet because in three of my classes I did not have the time to do another activity (ws labled 2-1,2-3,2-5). But in two of my classes I did have the time so the second worsheet (Labeled 2-2, 2-4) has a second side to it in which the students will now write three sentences based on Japanese school rules. After they write their sentences they would interview each other using the sentences they just wrote. Finally if time I would have some students share what they wrote and I would guess if it was true or false. Overall a lot of fun and great culture exchange. (The grammar focuses on New Horizons 2 pg. 59)

*I am aware some of my fellow Americans had a different expereince in American schools. So feel free to edit it to your own American school experiecnes as I made these slides based on my own experiences of going to the schools I went to in America growing up.

Small files
  • 2-1, 2-3 & 2-5, Unit #4, Pg. 59 .docx (20.1 KB)
  • 2-2 & 2-4, Unit #4, Pg. 59 .docx (75.6 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • USA School Rules 2nd Grade, Unit #4 .pdf (4.52 MB)
  • USA School Rules 2nd Grade, Unit #4 .pptx (36.4 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by MegaTaco September 12, 2024 Estimated time: 20-50
    1. Gaijingaiden September 13, 2024

      Uh, no, you don't have to study French or Spanish. Even having a foreign language requirment isn't universal. American schools don't work like that. And other languages like German, Chiense, and Japanese are likely to be available in the majority of schools.

    2. Jeremy Collins September 17, 2024

      some of your slides are not true in all schools. Some schools from k to 12 require uniforms. Indoor shoes are requied in areas that have snowy and rainy reasons. There too many genralizations that are not accurate.

    3. MegaTaco September 17, 2024

      @Jeremy Collins and @Galjingaiden, yes I know some of sliders are not true for all american schools but I was basing it off my own expereinces in the schools I attended back in the day. So feel free to edit to match your own expereinces in American schools ^_^

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