I use this power point as a review of the first Hop/Step/Jump section of Crown Jr. 5 for 5th grade. My schools like the students to make a 4 hint quiz of their own for an animal, so I use this as an idea of what we want from them.
The power point will show 4 hints (one at a time) for an animal, and then the next slide is the animal that the hints are talking about. Irasutoya pictures accompany each of the hints for visual aid.
It includes sentences such as;
- I can ~
- I like ~
- I have ~
- I am ~
Read all of the hints and ask the students to raise their hand if they know the answer. If they're right, show the slide with the animal on it, and praise them/give them a sticker/point (depending on how you reward your students).
There's 10 animals overall, which can run quite long (10 minutes or so). Feel free to delete some slides if you don't think you class can hold attention on one activity.
This activity can also be used as a warm-up review activity for 1st grade JHS.
Wow, this is really cute. Great use of irasutoya!
The "I have a long neck" Irasutoya image caught me off guard haha!
Yeah, the long neck made me laugh too. I think there needs to be a certification for finding Irasutoya images.
Great ppt but perhaps review some tags like "food" if it isn't the main focus
I was looking for some warm up game for our class and this is perfect for jugyosankan. I'm excited to use this! thank you. I like the images you used.
this is great! thanks!