
What do you see? Picture Quiz!

New Horizon Year 1 There is/ Is there..? activity. Brief PowerPoint introduction, and writing worksheet with a quiz game.

I saw there weren't many activities for the "There is/Is there" grammar from the New Horizon textbook, and this activity went well with my class, so I figured I'd share.

Introduce the grammar of "There is..." talking about things you can see and the places. Generally, I use examples from the classroom first and write them on the blackboard... "There is a CD player by the window." "There are 34 students in the class." Then move on to the PowerPoint; ask students to try to make the sentences for the first few slides. Point out that we can also use this target language to describe places.

Introduce the question form and answers: "Is there a blue book on the shelf?" "Yes, there is." "No, there isn't." Check student's understanding of the target grammar.

Hand out the worksheet. Display the messy bedroom slide and tell students they will write sentences about the picture. Review the example sentence on the worksheet, and if necessary, introduce any new words in the Hint Box. I gave my students about 7 minutes to write as many sentences as they could, this could be longer or shorter depending on class level.

After the time is up, it's quiz time!

Each quiz slide has an "Is there..?" question about the contents of the picture. Students who raise their hands to answer get bonus points (I rolled a D4 dice to give bonus points, whatever works for you). After the answer, the picture will show again, then the relevant sentence. All students who have that sentence written on their worksheet will get points for the sentence.

After all 10 questions, any remaining sentences on the student's worksheets are worth 1 point each. Have students total their points and declare the quiz winner.

(Alternative: if you want to extend the playing time, you can have students share their sentences that were not in the quiz and roll a dice to give points for the sentences instead of having sentences be one point each).

Submitted by margiabell March 4, 2022 Estimated time: 30 minutes
  1. marie42 September 2, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this activity. I used it but did some slight revisions for my low level students. Good job!

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