
Affirmative sentence

You are hungry.

  • S/he (verb)s karuta

    Practice verbs with an "s" at the end by playing karuta.

  • What's Popular?

    Students interview their friends on what they enjoyed doing last night, write down their answers, and decide what activity is the most popular in their class.

  • World Travelers

    Students interview each other at a school reunion to find out where they've been since graduation.

  • How Many Guesses

    Students practice speaking with a set dialogue and try to guess their classmates' magic numbers.

  • Find Someone Who

    Students ask each other questions about whether they've been to various locations.

  • What's That Doodle

    Get the students to practice asking 'What is that?' by drawing some wild art.

  • We Call It "Sta-ba"

    Students learn the nicknames of places and things and review what they know about Japan.

  • ALT's Room

    Students practice using prepositions by asking the whereabouts of objects.

  • Double D

    Double D stands for 'Devastating Demonstratives'. Students draw pictures based upon a secret demonstrative pronoun sentence and post them around the class.

  • Given No Bingo

    Students practice using subject-verb-object-object grammar and have fun with no bingos.

  • The Ogasawara Islands - Word search

    This is a word search using the story about The Ogasawara Islands

  • "I think" game and writing

    Students practice expressing their honest opinions with "I think" while playing a game and then writing about what they said during the game.

  • Dont Go Attack

    Students play the game Attack 25 or Attack 16 and practice using the words 'Don't' and 'Go'.

  • What's In My Pockets?

    This game isn't rocket science. Students try to guess the objects in your pockets.

  • What Do You Know?

    Students will use decks of cards and dice to form crazy sentences about what they do and don't know how to do.

  • I Doubt It

    Similar to the game Bull$hit, students use a deck of cards to ask each other how many of a certain card they have.

  • What Janken

    Students rotate partners, play janken, interview each other and embrace their artistic skills.

  • I Was Alibi Searching

    Whole class mingles asking and answering questions to find two mystery criminals.

  • Time Q&A

    Students ask each other questions relating to what time they do something (get up, eat breakfast, go to school, etc). Chopsticks are used to keep score.

  • Does/Doesn't Quiz

    Students secretly choose one character and then interview their friends to find out their choice.

  • I Am Mr Tornado

    A fast-paced game that gets students writing and saying sentences using the "be"-verb. They build houses, and pulling the Tornado card blows down (erases) all their houses!

  • World Weird Festivals

    This activity can be a sort of quiz game for the students while practicing the "I think (that)... sentence pattern. Though it can be used with any other grammar lessons, like verb tenses.

  • Immigration

    Students pretend they are going through immigration in the U.S.

  • TV Is Interesting

    This is a writing activity that introduces simple adjective statements while reviewing "What is ~?"

  • Andy's Bedroom

    Students listen to the teacher describe their bedroom and they must draw it. Afterwards, they write sentences about what they've drawn.

  • Fish for Adjectives

    Students try to get their classmates to say specific adjectives by asking "What do you think about _____?"

  • We Call It Bowser

    Students guess the names of different Mario characters in English.

  • Busy Schedule

    A simple Information gap activity where students ask partners questions using the future tense to find out what certain characters are doing when.

  • Mario Wants Luigi To

    A translation exercise, listening exercise, and charades game practicing infinitives.

  • Money Flip

    Students practice the 'have to' grammar point while playing a board game and flipping fake money.

  • What Do You Want Trump

    Students try to make pairs with a standard deck of cards by answering the question "What do you want?"

  • Agree Writing Practice

    Students practice writing why or why not they agree with certain controversial statements.

  • At The Restaurant

    Students play the role of waiter or customer in a restaurant.

  • Blind Man's Drawing

    This is a fun game that consolidates 'feelings' vocabulary and provides the opportunity to practice Object Complements in that context.

  • If

    This activity focuses on students ability to create a consequence when given a condition.

  • What Do You Like - Guess Who

    Students practice asking and answering "What ___ do you like?" while testing how well they know their classmates in this "guess who" acitivity.

  • What Is Yoda Doing?

    An information gap activity which can be played in pairs or a class where students find out what various characters are doing.

  • $1,000,000 Vacation

    Students plan how they will spend $1,000,000 by writing future tense sentences.

  • Who's This Woman?

    Students create names for characters on the worksheet and then ask classmates, 'Who's this ~?' Then, students practice writing questions and answers.

  • But Not Okinawa

    Students test their knowledge of Japan's prefectures, minus Okinawa, and then practice asking about the location of the prefectures they don't know.

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