
My Summer Vacation!

An activity/lesson base off New Horizon 1 Pg. 52 and 53

For this activity I started by sharing what I did personally for my summer vacation with the powerpoint. Which was full of example sentences. After that I would quickly write some of the examples on the board while my JTE passed out the worksheets. Then the students would write their own sentences based on their own summer vacations. After giving them time to write we put them in groups of 3 or 4 and had them ask each other about what they did for summer vacation. Finally at the end if time I would call on some students to share what they wrote.

*side note: My name is on both the powerpoint and worksheet so you will have to edit it out before using and replace with your own name!

Small files
  • 1st Grade U5 Pg. 52_53.docx (418 KB)
  • My Summer Vacation!.pdf (526 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • My Summer Vacation!.pptx (21.9 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by MegaTaco September 12, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50 minutes
    1. nisaa1234 September 13, 2024

      Great activity. I like how colorful your slides are! I just wanted to say be careful of the excessive use of punctuation (unnecessary or repetitive exclamation marks etc) after each sentence. Here Japanese teachers are very strict about it because students usually copy the same style.

    2. MegaTaco September 17, 2024

      @nissa1234 Ah I see! Makes sense! Thanks for the heads up!

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