
Let's Talk #1! Can I?/Can You? ~ ^_^

Based off NH1 page 64 focusing on the grammar "Can I?/Can You?"

For this activity I would first have the students open up their text books to page 64. Then I would practice the new words and tool box by having them read and repeat after me (2 or 3 times for each word). Next I would write Today's Point on the board (on the bottom of pg.64) and would underline can I and can you and would have the students repeat after me (2 or 3 times). Then I would pass out the worksheets and run through all the steps which are all based on the steps from page 64. Except this worksheet gives them a space to write what they think Meg would say for step 1. Then after than step two they get with a partner to practice the conversation. But first they will play Janken, winner will be Meg and loser will be Dad. Then after they finnish the conversation they switch roles. Before step 3 I had them write their partner's name on the blank line in step 2. Next for step three I would run through the examples on the bottom of page 64 and have them write down the correct sentence and would check their answers. And would then have them repeat after me the correct answers (2 or 3 times). Next step 4 us their turn to write their own sentences using "can I/can you," and I would give them time to do so. Finally if time left I would have them practice the conversation in step 5 with the sentences they just wrote with partners or if very little time I would just choose two random students to do so.

*Also my name is on the worksheet so you will have to edit it out for your own name.

Submitted by MegaTaco September 25, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50 minutes

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