

Practices pronunciation or spelling of numbers.

Japanese word: (数字, suuji)

Numbers are essential to learn and practice, but be aware of some challenging aspects of English numbers:

-teen words often sound very similar to -ty words. (fifteen versus fifty) The -n sound at the end of -teen words can be very subtle. The intonation can differ, but different dialects of English can have varying intonations in number words.

The words for large numbers in Japanese (and Korean) are based on the words from Chinese, where digits are separated in units of four. Digits are separated in units of three in English (like 3,000 or 4,100,591). Converting between the two can be a little confusing to do on the fly.

  • Numbers and Feelings Dobble (Spot It)

    Numbers 1~20 and feelings Dobble game made for Let's Try 1 U3 numbers, with feelings thrown in for review.

  • Time Bingo

    3x3 and 5x5 Bingo boards to practice numbers and time

  • Bomb Review Game (3rd Grade Review)

    Bomb game for my incoming 4th graders, intended to review 3rd grade materials. Can be used for both grades depending on your class.

  • Rock, scissors, paper : 1,2,3 game(s)

    Pairs or teams take turns to go from the start to the goal. Winners go forward one circle per win. Try to say the contents of the circle in English.

  • Let's Try 1 Unit 3 How Many

    Let's Try 1 Unit 3 How Many - For Grade 3 Students

  • How much is it?

    Very simple walkaround conversation game to practice "How much is it?"

  • Numbers over 10,000 minion game

    A game to practice saying numbers over 10,000 with a minion theme.

  • Price is Right *Amazon Japan Edition

    Learning to say numbers in the 100's!

  • Game show game - Percent Balloon

    Based on the Japanese gameshow segment, パアセントバルーん, fun game that practices present perfect (I have/has...) and numbers 0-99

  • Connect Three Year-End Review Games for ES

    Boardgame Designs to review, let students practice speaking English Vocabulary: Colors, Numbers 1-20, Weather, Fruits, Sports, Shapes, Animals. Same Mechanics as the original Connect Four Boardgame.

  • Challenge and Judge Stamp Rally

    Students ask each other to listen and judge and sign a sheet of paper that has 31 English "challenges".

  • JHS (一年生) - How Many Animals / Counting Game

    A PowerPoint game and worksheet to practice How Many, counting, plural grammar, and some other features.

  • If I met...Crazy story

    This is a writing and reading review activity I made for my JHS 3年生 using the target grammar in Sunishine 3. Lets students make a crazy story about meeting a famous person of their choice.

  • Scene It (Toy Story Themed)

    Video Memory Game. ES students work in teams to answer easy questions from short movie clips.

  • 3年生 Year Review Treasure Hunt Game

    Students make teams and search for items using the vocab they've learned this year. A bomb is -3pts, coins are +2pts, treasure is +5pts and a thief is steal 3pts

  • Various Memory Cards

    Printable themed "memory" (shinki suijaku) cards for special needs and elemetary school.

  • ES 6th Gr Jinsei Game for the end of the Year

    It is for ES 6th graders. Many reviews from 3rd 4th 5th and 6th Gr levels.


    All the snake games I've made so far compiled into one activity! (Worksheet for an easy pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary.)

  • Mini Reviews

    Short powerpoint review challenges to use as warm ups!

  • Snake Game - 5年Unit6 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Food & Prices

  • Shapes and Colors T-shirt ( Let's Try1!) Unit 7

    An activity designed to help elementary school students grade 3 practice colors and shapes.

  • Jeopardy Review (E.S. Grades 3 and 4)

    A fun game to help elementary school grades 3 and 4 to review some vocabulary that they've learned from the Let's Try 1 and 2 textbooks.

  • Snake Game - 3年Unit3 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Numbers

  • GO FISH!

    A very extra powerpoint demonstration of everyone's favorite elementary school card game

  • The Price is Right! UK Supermarket and Fast Food

    Based on the gameshow, designed for Grade 5 Here We Go 5 Unit 7

  • Apex Lootboxes - How Many? 📦

    An Apex Legends themed counting game with various challenges where students must count the keyword or object on the screen. Can be used as a warmup game.

  • Super Snakes and Ladders!

    Super Mario themed Snakes and Ladders style board game!

  • I Spy!

    A group activity based around the I Spy books, or other similar material.

  • Auction Game (Editable) Micro

    An auction game to help students practice numbers.

  • Drawing your own Snowman☃️🎲

    Students can create their own snowmen. This activity takes inspiration from a Halloween Game: create your monster using a die to create the different parts of a monster.

  • Numbers

    Counting from 1 to 20.

  • How many ...? Ramen toppings

    Inspired by making your pizza or parfait from "Let's Try 2," but made for special needs JHS 2.

  • What would you like? NH5

    Worksheet for asking prices.

  • The Price Is Right

    Made for Here We Go 5 Unit 7. In teams, students try to guess the price of a food item in the ALT's home country. Used for practicing larger numbers and prices.

  • Birthday: Months and Dates

    A series of activities to practice learning the months and dates.

  • Digital Sugoroku Review (Let's try 1,2)

    Fun Sugoroku game to help students remembering what they've learned. I mainly designed it for elementary school grades 3 and 4, but if you change the pictures you could used it for any grade.

  • Pokemon 1-100 Numbers Game

    Powerpoint game to practice 1-100. Each level has a different goal (find Pikachu, etc.) There are 6 levels.

  • Prices in Yen -Here we go 5 - Unit 7

    40 Powerpoint slides with different prices in Yen to practice from 99 yen up to 2,000 yen. Very simple, just the slides to use for Unit 7 (Here we go 5 nensei). Good for warm up or just reviewing.

  • ES Number Practice (1-10)/(1-20)/(Multiples of 10)

    3 PPTs to practice learning English Numbers! Includes songs / quiz sections.

  • American Money Presentation

    A short presentation aimed at 5-6年生 discussing American currency and prices

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