
ES 6th Gr Jinsei Game for the end of the Year

It is for ES 6th graders. Many reviews from 3rd 4th 5th and 6th Gr levels.

The rules are included, it is made to play with one dice.
you need fake money 10 000 yens bills you can buy at DAISO or another hyakkin.
- one dice per group
- fake 10 000 bills, I checked and Daiso no longer have this product... You can use the JPEG, add 14 of these on a A4 and print two pages double-side, the trick to get it right is to have the 1st page aligned of the left and the 2nd page on the right, I printed 280 of them very easily in B&W.
- allowed to color print at your school, for the main A3 or A2 board.
(FILES) - money alt bank PDF file is a file that will make it easier to get the money.

be sure to check everything with the HRT.
I think this activity could also be fine for the first lesson of 1st Graders at JHS, to check if everything is OK, do they have the Elementary School English level...

- when there is many places for only one question, you earn the money only once.
- on the "4" you stay one turn and pay 10 000
- when you arrive on a double circle you earn 10 000
- the question mark place, the next player asks the question.
- the bills and a number in the star shape, if you answer correctly, you earn the amount in the shape.
- when a waiter or other shop employee ask for an amount in pink, you have to pay
- the ALT or the HRT will ask the last question.
- At orange places you have to stop, even if the dice says a higher number.


1- choose which player will be responsible of the bank.
2- kids can ask how to say it in english to their classmates, the teacher, the tablet, etc.
3- the last player loose, even if this player has a lot of money.
*- its forbidden to speak too much Japanese

Small files
  • ALT-GINKO-ichiman.jpg (607 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • money-ALT-Bank.pdf (4.1 MB)
  • 20240311-6th-Gr-JinseiGame-001.PDF (26.8 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by Toscan February 7, 2024 Estimated time: one hour / 45 min
    1. mich888 March 5, 2024

      This looks interesting! I want to try it in class. How much money do I give the kids in the beginning of the game?

    2. Toscan March 6, 2024

      I've tried it with an older version and a group of 4 students playing that older board needed ~40 bills...
      I have not tried the newer version yet. I printed 250 bills for one class, for the new version it will be good I think.

    3. Toscan March 14, 2024

      I tried the game again today. The current version works well if you allocate around forty bills per group. The time management is perfect if you read the rules within five minutes from the beginning of the class

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