
Days of the Week

Practices pronunciation or spelling of the days of the week. (Sunday, Monday...)

  • New Horizons 5, Units 1-8, Vocab, Blooket

    Blooket study sets to be used as in-class game activities or assigned as at-home review. Each set covers the vocab learned or reviewed in that unit. You can use any of the Blooket games with these!

  • Like Rally 👍 (Speaking Act.)

    Perfect activity to practice any dialogue. Students walk around, find a classmate and practice the dialogue. Once they're done, they can receive a "Nice!" sticker from their partner.

  • New Horizons 5, Units 1-3 Review

    This is a Blookit game set reviewing New Horizons Elementary, Book 5, Units 1-3

  • Let's Try Book 2, Units 1-3 Review Blookit Game

    This is a Blookit game set reviewing Let's Try Book 2, Units 1-3

  • Minecraft Diamond Quest💎⛏(Sentence Practice Game)

    A quick game that can be played as a warm up or end-of-class activity where the students play in teams in hopes of finding diamond by making sentences.

  • Vocab Lists for ES 4-6 Grade

    Vocabulary lists with meanings and pronunciation guides for Elementary School Grades 4-6

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 1-3 Jeopardy Review Game

    Review vocabulary and sentences from Units 1-3 with this straightforward Jeopardy game.

  • Word Searches for Junior Sunshine 5 & 6

    Word searches & writing practice based on the Junior Sunshine 5 & 6 textbooks.

  • July and August Calendars

    Calendars for July and August English Board

  • Super Mario Sugoroku (semester review)

    Themed Super Mario sugoroku game for reviewing units. Player that finishes with the most coins wins.

  • Kahoot for 5th Grade Unit 3

    What do you want study? Review Kahoot

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 3 Vocabulary Cards

    Big Vocabulary Cards for the weekly activities in Let's Try 2 Unit 3.

  • Make a Very Hungry Caterpillar!

    Days of the week revision.

  • Lets Try 2 Unit 3: Days of the Week Quiz 曜日クイズ

    Students quiz each other about the days of the week.

  • 6th grade happyo sheet: live/ES/treasure/usually

    This is a worksheet to help practice the phrases to be studied in the 2nd unit of the 6th grade ES text book called New Horizon

  • Doraemon Sugoroku (4th grade)

    Doraemon-themed sugoroku game for reviewing what students have learned in 3rd and 4th grade. Requires dice.

  • Month, Day, & Weather Flashcards

    Thin flashcards to display on the board when doing greetings.

  • Kahoot ABCs and Days of the Week

    Designed to be played in game mode(treasure trove)

  • Team Rocket Attack

    Colors, Foods, Weather, Days

  • Typhoon - Let's Try 2 Yearly Review

    A powerpoint version of the classic Typhoon game for Let's Try 2.

  • Mario Mystery Box

    geared for 4th grade

  • Many Elementary School Crosswords

    Need a vocabulary worksheet right now? Want something to hand students when you have extra time? Give them a crossword!

  • Days of the Week - Where is the Character?

    Game for practicing days of the week. Click on the day and a character comes out.

  • Days of the Week

    A poster to use in your English classrooms or on your English board

  • When do you game?

    A PowerPoint game asking students to remember when they do something.

  • Daily Diary (daily questions worksheet)

    A short, simple daily questions worksheet that can easily be changed to be effective for all grade levels in ES and JHS.

  • Days of the Week Board Game

    Just a really simple board game to review the days of the week.

  • Pokemon Review Game for New Horizon 5 & 6

    A review game for New Horizon 5 & 6 covering vocabulary and target sentences from Unit 1 to 3.

  • What day is it? Character search game

    Students search for characters using the dialogue: 'What day is it?' 'It's _________.'

  • Dream Schedule Worksheet

    Feel free to use this when practicing and reviewing the subjects plus the target sentence, "I have (6 subjects) on (day)."

  • Easy Schedule Tic-Tac-Toe

    I edited the original schedule tic-tac-toe (linked at bottom) to go with Let's Try 2 Unit 3's target sentences.

  • Weather Report Battleship

    Practice with days of the week and weather for new/young learners.

  • Days of the Week Flashcards

    Flashcards of the days of the week with pictures. There are versions with and without translations and/or katakana pronunciation.

  • Month Day Verb Cards

    Ready to print cards

  • Start of class (Aisatsu) cards

    Cards to use for the start of class at elementary school. The Japanese teachers usually have some idea of how to do the start of class aisatsu, but these cards help a lot.

  • Kaiten Ushi

    Typing game with a little bit of pachinko-style gameplay.

  • One year review for Grade 5 and Grade 6

    I used the same template created by UonumaRobert. I just added more questions to give all students a chance to answer and play the game.

  • Shark Attack!

    Hang Man-style game using words from New Horizons Picture Dictionary

  • Let's Try! 2 ~U7 Review Questions

    Reviewing at the end of Unit 7? Here are some questions you can ask the students during review.

  • Let's Try 2: First Semester Review"2 Truths 1 Lie"

    This is to review the vocabulary the students learned in the first semester.

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