
High School

Aimed at high school students.

  • 2 Truths and a Lie Handout

    Students make their own 2 truths and a lie using the handout, after playing with the ALT. This is a great way for the students to get to know their ALT and vice versa.

  • British vs American English

    Lesson on the differences between British and American English for mid to high level senior high school students.

  • Secret Santa Setup

    Instruction sheet and questionnaire for setting up a secret santa

  • Christmas Introduction Presentation

    Here's a simple complete and fun presentation used for introducing Christmas.

  • December English Noticeboard

    An advent calendar with facts about Christmas around the world, vocabulary, science, English and maths questions.

  • Preserved Foods

    To go with the Big Dipper English Communication 2 textbook lesson on Preserved Foods, but can be used in general

  • Simple Christmas Card Template + Instructions

    A simple Christmas Card for JHS and lower-level SHS classes. Students can address their card to a friend, family member, teacher, or Santa.

  • Christmas Lyrics Activity

    Students have to fill in missing lyrics to popular Chistmas songs!

  • Spy (Based on Jackbox Games Fakin' It)

    Speaking card game based on Fakin' it from Jackbox Games!

  • Christmas Mad Lib

    Silly Christmas mad lib for students to fill out!


    How to use the conjunction BECAUSE

  • Flash & Dash: The Adjective Challenge

    Sprint to match adjectives with pictures! Race against classmates, learn fast, and win the Adjective Relay!

  • Jobs

    A PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, and Worksheet dedicated to jobs. Includes a warm-up and group writing/ speaking activities.

  • December English Board

    How to play Dreidel and a Dreidel Wheel, December Calendar, Poll, and an example for music

  • Christmas Lesson and Game

    Christmas and Pictionary/Go Fish

  • Gotta Compare 'Em All! (simplified)

    Compare Pokemon cards (using comparative and superlative sentences) and win or lose your Pokemon!

  • Country Project

    A Research and Presentation Project for Countries

  • Animal Research Project

    An Animal Research and Presentation Project

  • Listening Practice (TV Shows)

    Short clips from Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and cartoons. Goes with a worksheet to fill in the dialogue.

  • Save Tom the Turkey! (Thanksgiving Activity)

    A brief PowerPoint about the concept of the Presidential Pardon of the Turkey with a matching letter-writing activity. Heavy focus on fun, creative writing

  • Snowball of Friendship

    A game to get students practicing writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Minimal materials required.

  • Job Fair.

    This game is to practice I can/ I can't in a real world roleplay setting.

  • Japanese and English Title Classmate Quiz!

    Students will talk about their favorite anime, TV show/drama, or movie (+more) and quiz their classmates on the English name!

  • Pronunciation game (Minimal pairs)

    Pronunciation game focusing on listening and speaking skills differentiating 'r' & 'l', 'v' & 'f', and 's' & 'th' sounds.

  • Haikyuu Trading Cards

    SWBAT effectively make comparative and superlative sentences using trading cards.

  • Thanksgiving Don't Pop the Balloon (google slides)

    An American Thanksgiving themed, team-based review game

  • November Events Jigsaw Reading & Interview

    Half of the class reads about one November event, the other half reads about a different event. Then they interview each other about their event.

  • Relative Pronouns (that/which) Speaking Activity

    This is an activity where students can use relative pronouns naturally.

  • What Had Happened? Past Perfect Game

    Students compete to create the best/funniest explanation for past tense situations using past perfect tense.

  • Slap Japan! (Slap Jack)

    A card game to practice saying days of the month (ordinal numbers). It works like Slap Jack.

  • Pikachu Directional Vocabulary / Drawing Activity

    3 part directional vocab exercise!

  • The Blue House (Story + Worksheet Activity)

    This is a 2-paged story meant for 3rd year high schoolers. It includes a worksheet for them to do either in class or for homework.

  • Who Are the Ainu? Poster

    A poster about who the Ainu are, where they're from, and some information about food, crafts, and clothes

  • Heads Up!

    Students pair up and have to guess what they are based on their partner's description/clues/hints. Similar to the app of the same name, but I prepared index cards with various words on one side.

  • Cat Master Game

    English Game with rules similar to Moose Master

  • Kahoot! game ~ 過去形クイズ (Past Tense Quiz)

    A fun and interactive online quiz about past tense of the verbs.

  • Halloween Stingy Jack Listening Activity

    Listening activity about the history of Stingy Jack and the Jack o Lantern

  • American/Western Food Dobble

    Saw a food and drink Spot It game on here and decided to make one with the いらすとや illustrations.

  • Halloween Bingo Remix

    Halloween bingo with a twist!

  • "We call it _____" Quiz Game!

    In groups, students guess what famous movies/characters/brands are called in English

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