
Elementary School

Aimed at elementary school students.

  • Snake Game - 6年Unit7 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: school events

  • "What's this?" Quizzes

    Students look at pictures of things under a microscope to practice "What's this?" and listening to hints in English. Students give out hints, and their classmates guess "What's this?"

  • Mini Reviews

    Short powerpoint review challenges to use as warm ups!

  • Cross word for Elementary student

    simple vocabulary crossword for elementary 6th and 5th grade students

  • What's This? 3Hint Quiz Food edition (ES 3年生)

    A menu of possible food answers (most are previously taught in Let's Try Textbook ES 3年生 or common foods known by Japanese in their English name). Students give hints on Shape, Color, First Letter

  • Mario Mystery Box (ANIMAL QUIZ)

    Mario themed mystery box about animals.

  • Apples to Apples

    Otherwise known as Cards Against Humanity. A card game to get students using English, while thinking about the likes and dislikes of their classmates.

  • Snake Game - 6年Unit5 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Animals & Nature

  • Snake Game - 5年Unit6 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Food & Prices

  • Snake Game - 5年Unit4 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Verbs

  • 4年生 Year Review Treasure Hunt Game

    Students make teams and search for items using the vocab they've learned this year. A bomb is -3pts, coins are +2pts, treasure is +5pts and a thief is steal 3pts

  • Simple Word Searches

    Word searches using vocab from the picture dictionary

  • Shapes and Colors T-shirt ( Let's Try1!) Unit 7

    An activity designed to help elementary school students grade 3 practice colors and shapes.

  • Who is he/she? Silhouette quiz

    Character silhouette guessing game for ES to practice "Who is he/she?" and "He/she is ___."

  • Unit 7 Welcome To Japan

    I made this worksheet so our 5th graders who are moving forward in a few months can practice writing, reading and speaking. I will attach both PDF and word file so you can change anything you want.

  • Jeopardy Review (E.S. Grades 3 and 4)

    A fun game to help elementary school grades 3 and 4 to review some vocabulary that they've learned from the Let's Try 1 and 2 textbooks.

  • Let's Try 2 Unit 6 Alphabet Final Activity

    I tried to make a fun and interesting activity to end unit 6 for Let's Try 2.

  • Snake Game - 5年Unit3 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: school subjects

  • Snake Game - 5年Unit2 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: months

  • Snake Game - 4年Unit8 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: places in the school

  • Snake Game - 4年Unit7 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: fruits & vegetables

  • Snake Game - 4年Unit4 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: times of the day

  • What's this quiz

    A short 10 question quiz for elementary school

  • Snake Game - 3年Unit9 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Animals

  • Snake Game - 3年Unit4 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Colors & Misc.

  • Snake Game - 3年Unit3 (ES)

    Worksheet for a pairs janken racing game to review/practice vocabulary. Theme: Numbers

  • Directions Treasure Hunt

    Using turn right, turn left, and go straight, one student guides another to the treasure.

  • Find the (Dancing) Dragon!

    (Let's Try 2, Unit 8) Vocabulary review. There's a dragon hiding somewhere in the school! Find it to bring you and your class a little good luck for the year!

  • Vocabulary Othello Editable (Digital)

    A fun way to help students practice vocabulary. (for those who are familiar with the rules of othello).

  • Blindfolded Maze - Giving Directions (LT2 U8)

    Maze activity for Let's Try 2 Unit 8 or to practice giving directions at any level.

  • Let’s Try 2 Unit 8 worksheet

    Students walk around the classroom and ask their friends’ favorite place in the school

  • Elementary Eiken Practice

    A short presentation to introduce elementary students to the Eiken.

  • GO FISH!

    A very extra powerpoint demonstration of everyone's favorite elementary school card game

  • How much is it? : THE PRICE IS RIGHT game

    Here we go 5 Unit 7, the price is right game. The food listed in this game are vocabularies they learnt in the unit plus the store where the food is bought or famous for. Prices are as of 2023.

  • The Price is Right! UK Supermarket and Fast Food

    Based on the gameshow, designed for Grade 5 Here We Go 5 Unit 7

  • Where are the Pokemon? New

    In teams, students direct the ALT, or whoever is running the slideshow, through various school layouts searching for a specific pokemon.

  • Apex Lootboxes - How Many? 📦

    An Apex Legends themed counting game with various challenges where students must count the keyword or object on the screen. Can be used as a warmup game.

  • Let's Try 1: Unit 8 (What's this? Quiz)

    Powerpoint quiz for students to practice using the "What's this?" prompt.

  • Let's Try 1: Unit 7 (Shape Board game)

    This is a shape board game so students can practice saying and recognizing the shapes in the, Let's Try 1 textbook Unit 7 for Elementary.

  • Jobs/Occupations Memory Game

    a quick and easy memory game to get students to say the jobs for OneWorld Textbook ES 6nensei Unit 8

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