
Elementary School

Aimed at elementary school students.

  • Sum Of 21

    Students practice counting from 1-20 with a deck of cards.

  • Who am I? Quiz

    A three-hint-quiz type of game where students have to guess the character being described. Perfect activity for We Can! 2 Unit 3 "He is Famous. She is great."

  • Zombies

    Students become zombies to practice "I like ___.", "I like ___ too" and/or "I don't like ___.

  • Oh No! 100!

    A worksheet to go with a simple counting game

  • Are you fine SIGN GAME

    simple sign game to practice feelings

  • Under the Sea / Forest Creatures / Stuff on a Desk

    A couple of posters with lots of things to practice 'how many do you see?'

  • Memory Book

    A powerpoint activity for practicing 'how many' and plural forms.

  • Doraemon Is My Brother

    Students take a character card and roll a dice and say a sentence based on the outcome, e.g. "This is Godzilla, he is my dad."

  • Hidden Numbers Challenge

    Find the hidden numbers and practice speaking them.

  • I Want To Be

    Students exchange in a simple English question/answer conversation in a bid to gain or lose points.

  • Cutting Classes

    Students A and B each have half of a school map. They play Janken in a race to finish their map.

  • Body Builder

    Students learn how to recognize body parts by speaking and drawing the parts.

  • Emotion Basket

    This is an activity for brand new students. It should make them more confident with their speaking.

  • You Have

    Get students predicting and practicing "you have" in this rhythmical one-on-one game.

  • What Day Is It?

    This is a simple fun game for practicing days of the week.

  • Family Tree

    This is a fill-in-the-missing-blanks race game.

  • Animals from Around the World

    A sleek and simple cultural presentation showing off various animals that are unique to (or native to) specific countries around the world.

  • Colour Scavenger Hunt

    Help students practice their colours and the names of places around the school with this fun game.

  • Baba Vader

    This is your basic Baba Nuki or Old Maid game with a Darth Vader twist.

  • Inside Outside Circles

    Students practice answering and asking questions while moving around in circles to music.

  • This/That Memory

    Students use a memory card game to practice Demonstrative Pronouns (this/that).

  • T & T

    "T & T" stands for Tsunami and Typhoon, and it is a great review activity for any level students. The rules are easy and the game is as fun as the teachers and students make it.

  • Mr. Bump

    Blindfolded students are guided through an obstacle course while listening to their partner's directions to avoid 'dangerous' desks.

  • Dicey Months

    Two teams line up side by side and call out the month corresponding to the numbers on the dice.

  • Foods from Around the World

    A sleek and simple cultural presentation showing off traditional and famous foods from countries around the world.

  • Tsum Tsum My Summer Vacation

    Materials for Elementary School 'You Can' My Summer Vacation Lesson

  • Birthday Bingo

    A mingler activity

  • Twister

    Students try to twist their bodies/limbs into various pretzel shapes to correspond to the ALTs instructions.

  • Vocabulary Wars

    This is a vocabulary battle that can be used with any small set of vocabulary. It is great for younger classes, but can work with any grade.

  • Where Is It?

    Students try to guess the location of an object.

  • Smooch And Pooch

    Students learn basic greetings and self-introductions while passing around Smooch & Pooch and introduce themselves to 10 of their classmates.

  • Huggies

    Students form numbered groups based upon the number they are given.

  • Hullabaloo

    Students touch target vocabulary cards that match categories the ALT calls out. The group standing on the exact card the ALT calls out is the winner of that round!

  • Who Is It?

    Students draw various characters and the students guess the character by their clothing.

  • Food Wheel

    Students make a food wheel to help them become familiar with the written words for different foods.

  • Mister Wolf

    Practice feelings with a red light green light styled game

  • Body Coloring

    Students color body parts of the giant and robot handouts according to the ALT's directions.

  • Hidden Picture

    This is a review activity, using questions learned in Eigo Noto prior to the "What's this?" lesson, in conjunction with the "What's this?" question.

  • True Or False

    Students listen and decide whether various sentences are true.

  • Land Of The Blind

    Students work in pair teams; one blindfolded while the other issues commands to move around the room and avoid getting caught by the Oni (Devil) team.

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